Free Admission For Teachers

  • Kennedy Space Center – If you live in Georgia, Florida, or Puerto Rico, you qualify for free admission at the Kennedy Space Center
  • New England Aquarium – Whether you live in New England or you’re just visiting, if you’re a teacher, you can head to the aquarium for free.
  • Florida Aquarium – Here’s another great deal for Florida teachers. Visit the Florida Aquariumfor free! 
  • Graceland – Head to Memphis and tour Elvis’ estate! The admission is free if you’re a teacher. 
  • Natural Museum of History in Los Angeles – Teachers in California receive free admission. 
  • Orlando Science Center – Admission is normally $21 for adults, but Florida educatorscan visit for free. 
  • Bank of America Museums on Us – Bank of America Customer? Check out their program that offers free admission to many cultural attractions and museums during the first full weekend of every month. 
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4 Free Werther’s Popcorn Bags at Walgreens

Hop on over to your local Walgreens to score 4 bags of Werther’s Popcorn for FREE! Here’s how to get it:

1. Werther’s Popcorn is on sale for 2 for $6.
2. Buy 4 Werther’s Original Caramel Popcorn bags.
3. Submit your receipt through the Swagbucks app. You can receive a $6 rebate for every two bags purchased, which can be used twice, making all four bags of popcorn FREE.

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