Free $5 Subway or $5 Darden Restaurants Gift Card


Register or login then enter reward code HappyNewYear14 to get 1,000 free miles. In the rewards section you can get a Free $5 Subway or $5 Darden Restaurants (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, LongHorn, Bahama Breeze) gift card for 650 miles.

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3 thoughts on “Free $5 Subway or $5 Darden Restaurants Gift Card”

  1. I was able to sign up, but reward codes are 12 digits, so HappyNewYear14 does not work, it is not valid. Are you sure that’s the right code for the points??

  2. When I clicked on this link it did not do anything. I waited for a few minutes then went and took towels out of the dryer and started a new load. When I came back it still had not connected me. I would not waste time trying to get this.

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