Free Listerine Mouthwash Sample


Free samples and $3 off coupon.

Free Listerine Mouthwash Sample – working again 6/4

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22 thoughts on “Free Listerine Mouthwash Sample”

  1. You have to delete your history and cookies. I just applied for another sample and it went through!

  2. I attended a seminar on Diabetes and there were free samples and I did
    pick up a small bottle of Listerine and was positive it was a VANILLA flavor and
    I have checked high and low and cannot find this product. Can you help me?

    Thank you

  3. I have clicked on this link every time the sample becomes available and it never works…

  4. I want Listerine, i love it, i want sample, my mouth needed it lol !

    Thank you for the wonderful website, I appreciate the hard work you put into it!

  5. It should just ask for our address and send us the sample and coupon….makes me wonder if this is just a scam like so many others!

  6. I think it would be great to try listerine before paying full price for a big bottle. I never had used the product before. It shows that listerine is proud of their product. That is why they are giving free samples.

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