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I just had a baby and I’m staying away from caffeine cause I’m breastfeeding so this water bottle will be nice to have. Thanks.
I have decided to not drink any more soda and more water with lemon,limes and natural flavorings from adding fruit and herbs from my garden.
I will eat more whole grains, more water, & increase the amount of fruits & vegetables I eat.
No more Soda
I know I need to drink more water. It is good for my skin!
I plan on drinking more water. I know its good for my skin!
I am not drinking soda.
I will not drink soda. I will add more water and healthy things in my life
I just had a baby and I’m staying away from caffeine cause I’m breastfeeding so this water bottle will be nice to have. Thanks.
No more soda
I have decided to not drink any more soda and more water with lemon,limes and natural flavorings from adding fruit and herbs from my garden.
I resolve to not drink alcoholic beverages and other food/beverages which have “empty calories”.