Enter to win “Freepotle” Sweepstakes

Win free Chipotle for a year!

3,100 winners!

You need to be a Chipotle Rewards member to enter (it’s free).

To enter send an email to sweepstakes@chipotle.com using the email address associated with your Chipotle Rewards account.

You can also enter by making a purchase of $5 or more at Chipotle.

See rules for full details – including what to put in the email. Ends January 15, 2023

Free Spero Cream Cheese, Cheese Spread & More after Rebate

Score Spero Sunflower Cream Cheese, Cheese Spread, or Alternative Goat Cheese for free at select stores after their 100% rebate offer! 

Available at participating retailers, you can grab a 6.5-ounce container (up to $5 value) plus you get to choose any flavor! To score yours, all you have to do is go here, enter your email address, and answer the next questions.

After that, they will send you an email with steps on how to purchase the product and submit your receipt. Then, you get automatically reimbursed in your preferred Venmo, or Paypal account usually within 48 hours! 

Offer ends 2/1/23